Wired: Making Your Kitchen Work for You

Poor lighting is a common kitchen pet peeve, one that we often address during the course of a redesign and renovation. Ease and efficiency are a must for homeowners seeking to renovate their kitchen space, so lighting solutions should not only enhance the overall...

Tips for Choosing Cabinet hardware

Cabinet hardware is a small detail that can make a big difference in the overall aesthetic of your kitchen design. If you are remodeling on a budget, a simple change of hardware by itself can have a big visual impact. While it may seem like a small design detail, new...

Renovations for Less

In another article we talked about timelines for kitchen renovations—a process that can take up to five months from planning to installation when the job is a complete kitchen overhaul. Twenty weeks is a long time and kitchen remodels are expensive, but there are...

Benefits of Entertainment Centers

If your recent party got you thinking about better ways to entertain, we have a few ideas for you. When people hear the word “entertainment center” they often think of a big, bulky piece of furniture that is hard to move, and can take up a great deal of space. In the...

Kitchen Cabinets 101

The team at Cabinets & Designs are experts at cabinetry, but that doesn’t mean you are. Many of our clients—especially first-time homeowners or renovators—have a laundry list of questions about cabinetry when they first start shopping. Cabinets comprise...